The Self-Coaching Blog

Thinking Differently

Mastering Persuasion: Proven Strategies to Win Any Argument

Critical Thinking Blog - Mastering Persuasion Proven Strategies to Win Any Argument
Master the art of persuasion with our essential guide to building strong arguments. Discover practical tips for effective communication, from listening actively to doing thorough research. Perfect your debate skills and learn to emerge victorious in discussions while preserving relationships. Read now for expert advice on winning arguments!

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Overcoming Cognitive Biases: 5 Common Thinking Mistakes to Avoid

Critical Thinking Blog - 5 Common Thinking Mistakes to Avoid

Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to decision-making and thought processes?

Many of us fall into mental traps that lead to poor decisions and detrimental outcomes. Identifying and avoiding these common thinking mistakes can significantly enhance your personal and professional life.

Avoid These Common Thinking Mistakes:

Mistaking Frequency for Importance

According to TLEX Mind Matters, an organization specializing in mind-body training and renowned for its research in cognitive bia…

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5 Simple Steps to Sharper Decision-Making

Critical Thinking Blog - 5 Simple Steps To Sharper Decision-Making

Understanding how to streamline your decision-making process is crucial in a world that demands quick and accurate decisions. This guide offers a five-step system that transforms decision-making from an overwhelming chore into a manageable, almost automatic task. You can achieve higher productivity and better results by turning actions into habits through consistent routines.

1. Identify the Situation Clearly

Start by defining the decision you need to make. Describe the situation as objectivel…

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4 Reasons Why We Don't Dream Big Enough

Think Big Blog - 4 Reasons Why We Don't Dream Big Enough
Discover why many of us fall short in dreaming big and taking bold action. Lack of clarity, underestimating abilities, overlooking skill acquisition, and succumbing to fear hinder our pursuit of extraordinary dreams. Uncover these barriers and learn how to overcome them on the Mindset Bookstore blog. Unlock your potential and dare to dream bigger!

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